Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sponsor Sunday

This Sunday's category is Church Worker. Both of these kids have a guardian who works at the church.

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Esayas has been on the website for weeks which is unusual for a handicapped child.

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Flabia is in the same center as Yustin, my sponsored child in Ecuador.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Summertime laziness

So summer is long gone and along with it my laziness. I DUSTING OFF MY BLOG. If you are lazy in the summer than you know what I mean. I was so lazy that when I went swimming it was only with my younger siblings in a two foot deep wadding pool. The only fun trip I took was to Tennessee for Covenant High In Christ or C.H.I.C. for short. I went to visit Liberty University in Virginia and got a personal tour from my mom's friends and a girl from my church. Everyone, it is a very nice school. I definitely want to go there for college.

Those Olympics were pretty awesome! I just wish I had taken the time to watch them. In my town there is a family who has adopted several boys from Sudan. One of their boys, Lopez Lomon is an Olympian runner. Tons of people crowded into my town's high school auditorium to watch him run on a BIG screen. Tully has shirts that say "Pride of TuLLy" because our school colors are red and black. I enjoyed writing to my Compassion children about a fundraiser Lopez held for the high school's cross country team. With a donation of ten dollars you could run a mile with Lopez Lomon. After the run, he was asked to start his book signing early. The next day Tully had a parade for one of those holidays that you have a parade and I was able to take a picture of him about to shake my little sister's hand.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

World Vision

I have thought a lot about sponsoring another child. Although it is not possible yet I have decided that I would like to sponsor a child from Mongolia through World Vision. Well today I was bored so I decide to look at the World Vision site. When you first open the page they have one child's photo on the right. The child's name was Ervin and he is from Bolivia but there was a tag on his photo that said video. This little boy is so cute. Please watch his quick video.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Lapbook #1

       So I have heard several sponsors talk about "lapbooks" that they have made for their Compassion kidos. Most of the pictures I have seen, show a folded piece of paper with facts on a perticular subject.  It looked easy enough so when if came time to write to Leejoy I decided to make a lapbook. This is my first lapbook about orchids because Leejoy said they were his favorite flower.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sposor Sunday

This weeks theme "Why have they waited so long?"  I have seen several cute little kids with red hearts and wondered why they were still waiting. Usually the cute little kids get sponsored first. So why are they still waiting. If they smile they have a better chance at getting sponsored quickly. 
 Proceed to our secure online formThis cute smiling girl is Thatyele.

Proceed to our secure online formThis big smiler is Rayssa.

If they frown they have a better chance of getting sponsored quickly.

Proceed to our secure online formThis frowny boy is Jean.

Proceed to our secure online formSuch a big frown on Khushboo.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Yustin Yaritza

Yesterday I found one of those wonderful cream colored envelops in my mail box(okay, it's really my parents). And who was it from? Yustin!

Her letter was so sweet. It was short but she said that she was very happy to have a young and pretty sponsor. (She must think that flattery will get her more letters) I think it is funny when God wants you to sponsor a particular child He lets you see the child through His eyes. When I saw her picture, I could not get her out off my mind for days. I actually waited a few weeks to sponsor her because I wanted to make sure God wanted me to sponsor. I waited almost a week and a half for her to show up on my Compassion. The next Tuesday I was looking at the children on the Compassion International website (They usually post new kids on Tuesdays) again and found Yustin. I was shocked because I thought she was secured to be mine, but there she was. I immediately called Compassion and they had no explanation for me so I just sponsored her again. I always wonder if I missed God's no. If I did then HE is still blessing me with His wonderful gifts and money to sponsor  another child.

So she is called "Blessing."

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Yustin's updated photo

After I sponsored her I asked for her older picture. This is the one I got. I think she was about eight in this picture. I wonder why her smile is big.

Yustin Yaritza is actually my fifth Compassion Child. Her hair is braid and rapped in ribbons in this picture. I sponsored her because I had just gotten back from a missions trip to Ecuador and again I wanted to be able to talk to someone about my experiences.  I have three adopted African-American brothers so although I was not in the area where she is from I liked her dark skin.

I was really surprised when I saw her updated photo. I think she looks older or more mature in the old picture. But I like her blue shirt (Blue is my favorite color). She still seems to have ribbons in her hair. "Hand on the Hip" kind-of girl I guess.